Halloween Bowl-A-Thon

Halloween Bowl-a-Thon!


Sunday, October 27th

12:00pm – 3:00pm

Rockaway Lanes, 365 Route 46 West, Rockaway, NJ

We’re excited to bring back our Halloween Bowl – A – Thon! Join us for a day of fun AND while together, we raise funds to help hundreds of people with disabilities get the employment services of their choice.

Enjoy an afternoon of bowling along with lunch and refreshments.

Wear your costume to be judged for a chance to win a prize!

$30.00 per bowler includes: shoes, bowling, pizza, drinks & a goodie bag.

*Event will end promptly at 3:00pm

Lunch available for non-bowlers at $10 per person payable at the event.

Contact Karen Rynearson at 973-538-8822, ext. 228 or krynearson@ehorizons.

A special thanks to our sponsors:



Click here to register online
